Ever want to do something that would save you lots of time money and bending efforts. Well I must be getting old cause I don't bend as well as I did when I was twenty. I decided to to do something about that. Now these ideas are not just mine, and many have already done these mods to make ther detectors more handy and more user friendly. Check it out it may or may not work for you!
High & Dry Detector Stand
Parts needed:
2 pcs. - 1/2" PVC T's
1 pcs. - 6"-18" (your Preference on length) PVC 1/2 " pipe
2 pcs. - 1/2" gray electric PVC 90'bends.
2 pcs. - Rubber crutch tips.
Night Vision LED's
Can be made several ways the qiuck easy and cheap way is as follows
Parts Needed:
2 - PVC 1/2" T's
1 - pc. 1"-2" 1/2 " PVC Pipe
Here's a picture of the detector's fully dressed with dual Night Vision LED's on the Garrett.
You can set up almost any detector around to use light weight PVC High&Dry Stands and NightVision LED lighting. Awesome for those evenings you just can't stop!
[attachment 21218 DCP_3857.jpg]
You can adjust anything to work best for your own personal needs. I've even designed some to hold my pinpointer, or probe![attachment 21223 DCP_4683.jpg]
The Garrett I made a longer shaft for The Tek T2 is the wifes... I made the sahft longer on the Garrett because I disliked bending all the way to the ground to pick it up each time. I got lazy I guess, But it it works well for the application it was designed for. Also is much more stable than the OEM stand!.
IF you build one dry fit the pieces first....That way you can decide length, and depth you want your s for your own personal needs!
Most of all just have fun!!!
High & Dry Detector Stand
Parts needed:
2 pcs. - 1/2" PVC T's
1 pcs. - 6"-18" (your Preference on length) PVC 1/2 " pipe
2 pcs. - 1/2" gray electric PVC 90'bends.
2 pcs. - Rubber crutch tips.
Night Vision LED's
Can be made several ways the qiuck easy and cheap way is as follows
Parts Needed:
2 - PVC 1/2" T's
1 - pc. 1"-2" 1/2 " PVC Pipe
Here's a picture of the detector's fully dressed with dual Night Vision LED's on the Garrett.
You can set up almost any detector around to use light weight PVC High&Dry Stands and NightVision LED lighting. Awesome for those evenings you just can't stop!
[attachment 21218 DCP_3857.jpg]
You can adjust anything to work best for your own personal needs. I've even designed some to hold my pinpointer, or probe![attachment 21223 DCP_4683.jpg]
The Garrett I made a longer shaft for The Tek T2 is the wifes... I made the sahft longer on the Garrett because I disliked bending all the way to the ground to pick it up each time. I got lazy I guess, But it it works well for the application it was designed for. Also is much more stable than the OEM stand!.
IF you build one dry fit the pieces first....That way you can decide length, and depth you want your s for your own personal needs!
Most of all just have fun!!!