Once upon a time, long long ago, I was a newbie detectorist. Had a lot of fun finding silver coins with the cheapest of analog Bounty Hunter detectors - I think it was the Outlaw model if I'm not mistaken. Then one day I figured it was time to upgrade. Did a TON of research, and looked at all the major manufacturer models. Read a lot of Metal Detecting publications too, and as such bought a lot of Garrett books. Good reading, and very entertaining - I had stars in my eyes and was ready to find the really good stuff!
Ended up buying a NEW Garrett Grand Master Hunter CXII. From reviews it sounded to be one of the major "detectors to beat". Microprocessor controlled, adjustable notching, etc., etc. Got out there with it and started to take on the learning curve. Wasn't easy, took a lot of work and understanding to make it seemingly work properly. Yet I had to dig BIG holes, and remove TONS of garbage from the ground - it was a real chore! Being new to these more sophisticated detectors I figured it was the newbie learning curve. Yet I persevered. But for some reason, even after a couple years use things really never seemed to get better - I certainly was not finding the quantity and quality of items others were finding with these expensive microprocessor models of detectors. It got to the point where I could only feel confident in in tone and/or meter readings that I was about to pull either a Quarter or a dime out of the soil, and not much more than 3 to 4 inches deep - EVERY other signal was a true crap-shoot.
Not shortly after that I did what all us good detectorists do - decided to add a new detector to the lineup. Went back to the reviews again and started to re-learn what was good, bad and ugly. Ended up with a new Fisher CZ-5. Got out there with the new detector and started the new learning curve. Started to hit new places with it because all the areas I'd already hit with the Garrett were "hunter out", right? Learned to LOVE the CZ. Man-O-man, this is what I thought it was ALL ABOUT! Got so much deep stuff it was amazing to me - figured I'd stepped up with understanding over time and things just happened naturally. Got the point where I could pinpoint an item as deep as 4" and hit it with my modded screwdriver the first time I plunged it into the soil, I'd say at least 90% of the time. Man was I a newbie back in the early days, still remembering the HUGE holes I'd have to dig with the Garrett in order to just get the item out of the soil and into my hand. Deeper than that with the CZ, I could pull a plug no larger than 5" in diameter and ALWAYS count on the item being somewhere close - either in the tip of the plug, or still in the ground at a greater depth.
Enter the present. Still using that CZ-5, and still works just as good as the day it was new. Now I have a new perdicement - my second wife is a real rock hound and Bottle digging hound, so naturally she has a real hankering to learn to metal detect and find keeper coins. So she starts prodding me to take her along. This is just great I says to myself - what a partner for detecting! So, I have to determine how to move forward. Teach her detecting based on one model in order to get really good at it. Now the hard part. Which one to teach her with - the Garrett or the CZ? Hmmm, I'd rather give her the Garrett, because I know my CZ so well. Yet I'm not so sure this would be a good idea based on my experiences from the past. Okay, it's the CZ she gets, and I'll get the Garrett out again and force myself to really learn it, and learn why I had such difficulty with it in the past.
So, the wife gets out there with the CZ, and I give her some instruction - I dedicate myself to the teaching for some time, not bringing the Garrett along. HOLY COW, this woman picked up on the CZ so fast, and the finds just keep coming and coming! I truly found it amazing how quickly she picked it up, and the immediate success she had with it! I knew it was a great machine and easy to learn, but I swear she's got it "in her blood"!
Okay, so I get the Garrett back out, grab the manual and start giving myself the refresher course. Run some at-home air testing, etc. in order to be sure I'm setting it properly once again.
So, we get "out there" together now - her with the CZ, and me with the Garrett. She's doing great as I expected she would. Me on the other hand start working with the Garrett and in VERY SHORT order start to get this crap feeling like I've been here before. Damn signals are crackly as all get-out, I'm digging BIG HOLES to recover the most mundane targets, and I just can't seem to get rock solid signals of anything except quarters and dimes at 3 to four inches! Needless to say, my day was crap, yet it was offset by her fabulous day - we have a LOT of fun together doing most anything! From competition firearms, to Harley riding (yes, she has her own, and rides it like guys ride 'em), and everything in between. Yes, a slight tom-boy, and sexy as hell to boot. And yes, I AM a damn lucky duck!
Alright, so back to the detectors. I get back home, set the Garrett down, start reading the forums, usage tips, instructions, etc. - because I must be doing something wrong with this Garrett, right? We get out there a few more times together, her with the CZ, me with the Garrett, and ya know what? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING has changed! That Garrett continues to be a ROYAL pain in the ass!!! The characteristics have NEVER changed. We went out again this afternoon with the two detectors, and I got so damn discouraged that I damn near wrapped that POS around a tree - seriously!
This really bums me out - that POS has been a POS since day one! Yes, it was purchased brand new - I've been the only owner. And I take care of my stuff. It's never been rained on, and it's never been abused. Damn thing is still in EXCELLENT condition, just one step short of mint.
I don't know if this detector was just a lemon in my case, but I do know it really pisses me off that I spent so much money on it and it has NEVER performed! If I knew back during it's warranty period (long, long ago) what I know about it now, I would have sent it back to the factory so fast it would make heads spin - after all for craps sake, the kids Bounty Hunter I had before that Garrett even performed better!
So, knowing that it's likely that the wife and I are likely to have a long and prosperous detecting career ahead of us I decided to purchase a new detector to replace the Garrett. So what did I get? Another Fisher CZ-5, OF COURSE! Found a truly super clean one for sale here on the web a couple days ago for $440 and am now REALLY ready to enjoy the benefit of us both working side by side with quality products that can be counted on!
So now I have this dilemma. What to do with the Garrett Grand Master Hunter CXII??? I've thought about sending it in to Garrett to have them have a look at it, but I tell ya what - I'm not too confident that they'll do much for/with it. I have this H.S. feeling that I'd get it back with some sort of lame note that says something like "adjusted and bench tested - performs to spec", while being charged some exorbatant fee for that service, and the cost of shipping it around the Country. It would be nice to have it working in a manner that probably should have to begin with as my youngest son at 11 would love to come with us as well, yet I don't know if I could handle getting it back in the same or similar operating condition. Personally I have a horrible taste in my mouth for anything Garrett after that/this experience. $600+ being flushed down the toilet would have been better fun I swear! Sell it on EBay? No way in Hell would I put somebody through the same frustrating experience! Wrap it around a tree for the fun of it? I damn nearly did that this afternoon, but the wife persevered in cooling me down. Yet, I will say this - if I do give it "the wrap". I be certain to make a video of it to share with all...
Okay, I think I'm better now - just had to get that decades long grudge off my back to other whom might have had similar experiences. Any thoughts on this plight, besides my needing a Quaalude or two?
Thanks for listening, and I hope my story was entertaining...
Once upon a time, long long ago, I was a newbie detectorist. Had a lot of fun finding silver coins with the cheapest of analog Bounty Hunter detectors - I think it was the Outlaw model if I'm not mistaken. Then one day I figured it was time to upgrade. Did a TON of research, and looked at all the major manufacturer models. Read a lot of Metal Detecting publications too, and as such bought a lot of Garrett books. Good reading, and very entertaining - I had stars in my eyes and was ready to find the really good stuff!
Ended up buying a NEW Garrett Grand Master Hunter CXII. From reviews it sounded to be one of the major "detectors to beat". Microprocessor controlled, adjustable notching, etc., etc. Got out there with it and started to take on the learning curve. Wasn't easy, took a lot of work and understanding to make it seemingly work properly. Yet I had to dig BIG holes, and remove TONS of garbage from the ground - it was a real chore! Being new to these more sophisticated detectors I figured it was the newbie learning curve. Yet I persevered. But for some reason, even after a couple years use things really never seemed to get better - I certainly was not finding the quantity and quality of items others were finding with these expensive microprocessor models of detectors. It got to the point where I could only feel confident in in tone and/or meter readings that I was about to pull either a Quarter or a dime out of the soil, and not much more than 3 to 4 inches deep - EVERY other signal was a true crap-shoot.
Not shortly after that I did what all us good detectorists do - decided to add a new detector to the lineup. Went back to the reviews again and started to re-learn what was good, bad and ugly. Ended up with a new Fisher CZ-5. Got out there with the new detector and started the new learning curve. Started to hit new places with it because all the areas I'd already hit with the Garrett were "hunter out", right? Learned to LOVE the CZ. Man-O-man, this is what I thought it was ALL ABOUT! Got so much deep stuff it was amazing to me - figured I'd stepped up with understanding over time and things just happened naturally. Got the point where I could pinpoint an item as deep as 4" and hit it with my modded screwdriver the first time I plunged it into the soil, I'd say at least 90% of the time. Man was I a newbie back in the early days, still remembering the HUGE holes I'd have to dig with the Garrett in order to just get the item out of the soil and into my hand. Deeper than that with the CZ, I could pull a plug no larger than 5" in diameter and ALWAYS count on the item being somewhere close - either in the tip of the plug, or still in the ground at a greater depth.
Enter the present. Still using that CZ-5, and still works just as good as the day it was new. Now I have a new perdicement - my second wife is a real rock hound and Bottle digging hound, so naturally she has a real hankering to learn to metal detect and find keeper coins. So she starts prodding me to take her along. This is just great I says to myself - what a partner for detecting! So, I have to determine how to move forward. Teach her detecting based on one model in order to get really good at it. Now the hard part. Which one to teach her with - the Garrett or the CZ? Hmmm, I'd rather give her the Garrett, because I know my CZ so well. Yet I'm not so sure this would be a good idea based on my experiences from the past. Okay, it's the CZ she gets, and I'll get the Garrett out again and force myself to really learn it, and learn why I had such difficulty with it in the past.
So, the wife gets out there with the CZ, and I give her some instruction - I dedicate myself to the teaching for some time, not bringing the Garrett along. HOLY COW, this woman picked up on the CZ so fast, and the finds just keep coming and coming! I truly found it amazing how quickly she picked it up, and the immediate success she had with it! I knew it was a great machine and easy to learn, but I swear she's got it "in her blood"!
Okay, so I get the Garrett back out, grab the manual and start giving myself the refresher course. Run some at-home air testing, etc. in order to be sure I'm setting it properly once again.
So, we get "out there" together now - her with the CZ, and me with the Garrett. She's doing great as I expected she would. Me on the other hand start working with the Garrett and in VERY SHORT order start to get this crap feeling like I've been here before. Damn signals are crackly as all get-out, I'm digging BIG HOLES to recover the most mundane targets, and I just can't seem to get rock solid signals of anything except quarters and dimes at 3 to four inches! Needless to say, my day was crap, yet it was offset by her fabulous day - we have a LOT of fun together doing most anything! From competition firearms, to Harley riding (yes, she has her own, and rides it like guys ride 'em), and everything in between. Yes, a slight tom-boy, and sexy as hell to boot. And yes, I AM a damn lucky duck!
Alright, so back to the detectors. I get back home, set the Garrett down, start reading the forums, usage tips, instructions, etc. - because I must be doing something wrong with this Garrett, right? We get out there a few more times together, her with the CZ, me with the Garrett, and ya know what? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING has changed! That Garrett continues to be a ROYAL pain in the ass!!! The characteristics have NEVER changed. We went out again this afternoon with the two detectors, and I got so damn discouraged that I damn near wrapped that POS around a tree - seriously!
This really bums me out - that POS has been a POS since day one! Yes, it was purchased brand new - I've been the only owner. And I take care of my stuff. It's never been rained on, and it's never been abused. Damn thing is still in EXCELLENT condition, just one step short of mint.
I don't know if this detector was just a lemon in my case, but I do know it really pisses me off that I spent so much money on it and it has NEVER performed! If I knew back during it's warranty period (long, long ago) what I know about it now, I would have sent it back to the factory so fast it would make heads spin - after all for craps sake, the kids Bounty Hunter I had before that Garrett even performed better!
So, knowing that it's likely that the wife and I are likely to have a long and prosperous detecting career ahead of us I decided to purchase a new detector to replace the Garrett. So what did I get? Another Fisher CZ-5, OF COURSE! Found a truly super clean one for sale here on the web a couple days ago for $440 and am now REALLY ready to enjoy the benefit of us both working side by side with quality products that can be counted on!
So now I have this dilemma. What to do with the Garrett Grand Master Hunter CXII??? I've thought about sending it in to Garrett to have them have a look at it, but I tell ya what - I'm not too confident that they'll do much for/with it. I have this H.S. feeling that I'd get it back with some sort of lame note that says something like "adjusted and bench tested - performs to spec", while being charged some exorbatant fee for that service, and the cost of shipping it around the Country. It would be nice to have it working in a manner that probably should have to begin with as my youngest son at 11 would love to come with us as well, yet I don't know if I could handle getting it back in the same or similar operating condition. Personally I have a horrible taste in my mouth for anything Garrett after that/this experience. $600+ being flushed down the toilet would have been better fun I swear! Sell it on EBay? No way in Hell would I put somebody through the same frustrating experience! Wrap it around a tree for the fun of it? I damn nearly did that this afternoon, but the wife persevered in cooling me down. Yet, I will say this - if I do give it "the wrap". I be certain to make a video of it to share with all...
Okay, I think I'm better now - just had to get that decades long grudge off my back to other whom might have had similar experiences. Any thoughts on this plight, besides my needing a Quaalude or two?
Thanks for listening, and I hope my story was entertaining...