Today I decided to detect around a abandoned house just down the street where I found 50 wheat pennies and some silver in a single hunt a few days ago. Same neighborhood and both houses are approximately the same age. I was expecting to find a bunch of wheat pennies and some more silver coins. NOPE! I must of dug nearly 40 memorial pennies, one or two wheat pennies and NO silver. I knew if I was going to get any silver today I was going to have to change locations. I moved down the street back to my hot corner lot and right off started digging wheat pennies. Around 39 of them and just a few memorial pennies. Go figure. I finally got my coil over some silver. I knew it was a silver quarter before I even dug. The tone was soft and mellow and kind of rolling, not bouncy and the VDI numbers were sliding smoothly from 84 to 91. It turned out to be a 1944 Washington Quarter. Next time I get a audio and VDI signal like that I'm going unhook the headphones and video tape the audio and screen display. My next good target was under a big old oak tree. It was giving an indication of being zinc penny, but the audio was soft and smooth. When I uncovered it and realized that it was part of some silver jewelry. I really didn't know what I had, but I figured that if it broke there may be more of it close by. Maybe a necklace. For nearly 30 minutes I dug all tones above iron around the area where I found the sterling silver piece. Nothing. I car drove up and it was the lady that I spoke to the other day. She said way don't you detect my rental house next door and come down the street detect the house where I live. I said OK. I only had a little time before I had to leave, so I made quick scan of the backyard. I found a dateless Buffalo Nickel, 1964 Batman Pin, some wheat pennies, a x-rated head/tails coin, an old marble, and a cap gun etc. The backyard has all the signs of holding some good silver coins. It's a huge cove lot. I'll grid it off to make sure that I cover it all. I'll need to take a bucket with me to carry away all the trash. It's a lot of junk back there.