Hi Bama boy
Since you ask that question, I take it as you are hunting in the Relic mode? In this mode you will not dig most of the small ferrous targets such as nails, small iron targets and pieces of ration cans. You need to dig everything you hear because most of your targets will be in the mid tone. If you are lucky and can dig early camps you may dig some coins which will be the high bell tone. If you are digging in area's that have been dug before you will be digging some trash that was left from the early hunters, such as some pull tabs, aluminum cans, bottle caps and aluminum screw caps. YOU may not want to hear this but you should hunt in the all metal mode so that you may not miss any non ferrous targets that are co located near some iron, that others have left behind because they didn't dig it all. Your machine is limited to depth and not able to ground balance depending where you are hunting because of soil mineralization. The Ace works on a 6.5 [ KHz ] frequency and is hard tuned to an average ground balance. Just take advantage of what you have and dig it all you may just get lucky and find something that was left from the early hunters to enable you to finance a more suitable detector to be Relic Hunting..
Good luck and keep digging