Got up early today, and decided to stay dry on land. I picked up my buddy and we headed off to the woods. I got a nice variety of finds, both new and old.
My best find was this aluminum tin (empty) "3 MERRY WIDOWS" They were condoms....They cost 50 cents which was a lot in the 20th century when they were made, but they were made to be reused. The names of the widows are on the lid. AGNES, MABEL, and BECKIE. And they go on Ebay for as high as $50.00.
I also got this make-up kit. It won't open, as it was buried under a main trail, about 4" under a fat tree root and was kinda flattened.
Sometimes, some of the most interesting finds stay where you find them, as this was the case. The tin had but all rotted out, and really, all that remained was that label. It was dated to around the early 30's, and there is a similar Rawleigh tin photo to show how nice and colorful they were back then.
I was hopping to get a silver coin or two today, but no such luck. I did manage a 1918 US wheat cent, which is a nice old find in my neck of the woods.