I spent yesterday going back to a place that has gotten the best of me in the past. My other detector, that I love, just does not do well in iron. This place is like an iron garden. I would get a constant null every time I would try to detect this certain area. This area is approx. 50ft x 15ft. of solid, disgusting iron. The EMI is also to much for most of my arsenal. I have hunted other parts of the property, and have been rewarded with Mercs., Barbers, ect. Due to it being 1 1/2 hours round trip away from my home, I haven't been to this place since I purchased a G2. This also was the first time I put on the new 5x10 DD. Within 30 seconds, I pulled out the Rosie above at a depth of 5". I was also able to run the machine at 95%! The EMI was non existent. I went off loud and clear, and was next to an old nail. This would be the case for most of the targets posted, they were all right next to iron. No coin was over 7" deep, but I would not have found them with any other machine, and I've tried 4 of the "Big Boys" on the market at this place. Thank you Teknetics for making a machine that live up to the hype.