Thx for the review Monte. I'd like to throw in my 2 cents....I've hunted ghost towns and other sites out West with the T2SE and the G2 and had luck with both. The T2SE with the 5 inch coil is awesome in iron but you have to find the correct settings to get the most out of it. For instance....on one spot I had the discrim at 30, then 25, but it was 28 that proved perfect for that site. It took a lot of tweaking on the fly to get it perfect for the area I was in. The G2 is a different animal all together. You can turn it on, max out the sens, set discrim at 40 (top of the iron range), ground balance, and go. No fine tuning necessary for the most part. Yes you will sacrifice depth but I have found that the G2 finds targets far better than the T2SE in heavy iron / trash sites. I have had a lot of success with the T2SE in heavy iron / trash sites but IMO you have to get the settings exactly correct to get the most out of it. Exactly correct could be one or two digits either way on discrim or sens.
If I'm in a relatively clean area I will use the T2SE with the 11, 6, or 5 inch coil (depends on where I am). If I run into a patch of ground that is infested with nails and junk I break out the G2. After I clear it out as best as I can with the G2, I will go back with the T2SE and the 5 inch coil.
Thx again for the detailed review Monte.