I just got back from a prospecting trip, first time I've prospected with a detector. Thus, I can't say whether it is "good" or "bad" on hot rocks, but I agree with rockpup -- in that I learned fairly quickly that most hot rocks read very little if any VDI (sometimes single digit VDIs) despite giving a decent sound at times. Most times they have a distinct "boing" sound to them, but sometimes they do produce that nice "zip" sound that sounds alot like a nugget. I found a hot rock that sounded just like a nugget; in fact, I set it on the ground side by side with a nugget and I couldn't tell the difference in the sound. This one did not "boing," but had a nice "zip" sound just like the gold nugget I set beside it. Difference was -- despite the sound, NO VDI for the hot rock, and a 40s VDI for the gold nugget.
P.S. NO I did not find the gold nugget of which I speak. No gold for me on this trip (at least not with the detector; we did find some gold my friend's dredge); however, I also hunted the remains of an old prospector's cabin just off the river with the GB Pro and 5" coil, and found many interesting artifacts (buttons, bullets, prospecting tools, etc. -- and a couple of Colorado 2 mil tax tokens). It was a real fun trip.