Sunday it warmed up into the low 40's with rain, Monday it was the same, except with heavy fog ice rain. The sand has blown off the beaches real well, and i figured I'd be the first into the cuts. I was, just NO gold or silver. Lots of clad, Lake Mich is waaay down, below the first string of snow fences the sand blew off the top real good...swinging an F70 and switched to the ATPro when the rain started. Must have walked 5 miles, hit three different beaches, sand was thawed for the first 6" then ice. Very peaceful and comfortable weather to cover that much ground and put in the effort. Found a few spills, that cheap junk ankle bracelet, some earrings, the tiny thing above the nickles is a small copper barrel of some sort, lots of square and beavertail tops...lots of foil..Now its snowing again with no break to this weather in sight..not like last year when it was in the 80's for a week straight!