I have had a chance to hunt several of the local parks last fall that have been heavily hunted. I usually hunted in the Coin Mode using 'Ferrous-Coin' and near the end of the season I was setting the sensitivity at auto+3. I found 75 Wheaties and about 20 silver dimes. Even though many of the coins were about 7" deep, almost all were found in trashy areas. I did not find many in the low trash areas and I attributed this to the fact that there have been many deep seeking coils manufactured in the last several years. I think what makes the 3030 such a good machine is its ability to separate trash from good targets. I remember digging one hole and finding two silver dimes with three bent nails. Several of my other silver finds had iron targets with them. I am looking forward to messing with the Tone Profiles when the snow melts.