Old California
New member
Had forgotten about the Sun Ray DTI II meter until the other day going through a box of detector parts searching for something else, Several years ago converted my old Sovereign into a waterproof detector going meter less so wasn't using a meter anymore with the old Sovereign.
Hooked up to my GT and she still works! Brought back memories of using the 180 meter, Seems like yesterday.
Does anyone know the difference between the Sun Ray DTI II and DTI III or was there ever a DTI III?, Can't remember been away from using a Sov meter too long wasn't until recently picked up a GT for a Patriot meter.
Any information greatly appreciated.
Paul (Ca)
Hooked up to my GT and she still works! Brought back memories of using the 180 meter, Seems like yesterday.
Does anyone know the difference between the Sun Ray DTI II and DTI III or was there ever a DTI III?, Can't remember been away from using a Sov meter too long wasn't until recently picked up a GT for a Patriot meter.
Any information greatly appreciated.
Paul (Ca)