My buddy and I hit the turf at the crack of 07:30. For the first couple of hours it was just junk targets and the occasional clad coin and Memorial with a wheat or 2 in between. Finally hit a spot that started yielding a wheat here and there, got 3 in one hole, a kind of nifty lock, the occasional curio and among the wheats, found a 47 Rosie hiding. All in all, I dug 16 wheat backs that equaled all the modern coins I dug. 6 of the wheats were in the 20's and 30's. The little pad lock is kind of neat. First Indian Head lock for me. I threw the 43P war nickel in the batch that I dug yesterday just to add a touch more of glint to the wheats. I know there is more silver hiding in the wheat field as its loaded with iron and trash. HH jim tn