Hello All,
I've been on and off the forums, and after a long drought I decided to do some metal detecting today. Well, in the most unlikely place I found a 1893 V Nickel. It's beat up and not very valuable, but this is my oldest coin to date. I find like this can really energize one to keep digging. It was odd, as it showed up as a dime (DFX), and as soon as I dug the plug the signal went to -80 iron and audio was completely gone except for the threshold null. It was still pinpointing fine. I almost quit digging, but gave it one more scoop and out it came. I couldn't believe my eyes. Found at about 7 inches using a DFX.
-Art in Duluth Minnesota.
I've been on and off the forums, and after a long drought I decided to do some metal detecting today. Well, in the most unlikely place I found a 1893 V Nickel. It's beat up and not very valuable, but this is my oldest coin to date. I find like this can really energize one to keep digging. It was odd, as it showed up as a dime (DFX), and as soon as I dug the plug the signal went to -80 iron and audio was completely gone except for the threshold null. It was still pinpointing fine. I almost quit digging, but gave it one more scoop and out it came. I couldn't believe my eyes. Found at about 7 inches using a DFX.
-Art in Duluth Minnesota.