I gotta share this story with my friends here. I bought our house about 6 years ago and we went into full renovation mode. My time was so consumed by all the work we were doing to our new house I didn't have time to go tectin. It's four years later and I get the bug to start tectin again but I couldn't find my metal detector! (BH Tracker IV). I spent probably a year looking for it and then I finally figured something happened during the move and it's gone, I was seriously bummed. This winter I finally forked out the cash for a new machine (two actually) I bought a Garrett GTP 1350 and a Bounty Hunter 505. I have been very happy with them, very excited actually. I have been out dirt fishin with them every chance I get. Well this week end my wife had me get a small step ladder to check the top shelf of a closet for her (Looking for an old photo album) and guess what I found up there under a stack of linens? Yep, you guessed right, my 12 year old Bounty Hunter Tracker IV! I was so excited! My BH bag with my old machine, headphones, digger and 4 inch coil were all there all this time waiting for me! Well, even though I have two top notch machines now, that I love. I spent a good portion of my weekend dirt fishing with my trusty old tracker IV! Although my new machines are a lot nicer (Bells and Whistles Wise anyway) I will never part with my old tracker IV!