Still somewhat in shock about Clifftronics, I thought about him while hunting this morning. 47 is waaaay too young to go.
I got back from Maine on Sunday morning. I hunted Sunday, Mon,and this morn. Got a ring each day (junkers Sun and Mon) and a very interesting silver one this morning. I found it in the wet sand that had been pushed up from the storm last week. Quite a bit of sand had been moved around, while not as much as TS Debby but enough to screw the beaches up. Anyway the silver ring is a 1943 quarter ring. The date is still very legible as well as the "Liberty". It was extremely crusty and took quite a bit of electrolysis to clean it up. I also found a silver earring for the second time. I found this earring last winter and somehow it fell out of my pouch. When I got home it wasn't there. Well I found it again today. The very same one and this time it made it home.

I got back from Maine on Sunday morning. I hunted Sunday, Mon,and this morn. Got a ring each day (junkers Sun and Mon) and a very interesting silver one this morning. I found it in the wet sand that had been pushed up from the storm last week. Quite a bit of sand had been moved around, while not as much as TS Debby but enough to screw the beaches up. Anyway the silver ring is a 1943 quarter ring. The date is still very legible as well as the "Liberty". It was extremely crusty and took quite a bit of electrolysis to clean it up. I also found a silver earring for the second time. I found this earring last winter and somehow it fell out of my pouch. When I got home it wasn't there. Well I found it again today. The very same one and this time it made it home.