After work i did my usual walk thru the small park by my house. Was digging pennies and quarters and the usual pop tabs. Was about to head into the house to start dinner when i get a solid 37 on my F2. No matter which angle i swag from or speed, 37 every time. So i made a hole and stuck my pin pointer in to feel around. It was screaming. When i pulled it out, there was the ring sitting right there. It has one big stone on top, two about half the size beside it, and 5 small ones running down each side. Been burning a hole in my pocket all day long at work. So I headed over to my local pawn shop to have him check it out. he found a serial number on the inside ATI ?? CHI. i cant see it as my vision sucks. He thinks that it is plated with a copper core. but ringing up 37 is no where near the copper or silver numbers, a lot closer to gold range. Didn't have a diamond tester on hand to check them. Guess i got to try and get it to a professional jeweler to find out for sure. but here is a picture, and either way it stopped my heart for a second when i first saw it.