I had to drive a 130 miles north to pick my brother up from the airport tonight so left a couple hour early to detect.I went to a old fairground and discovered most of it is covered with fill.A lot of the fill in one area is full of trash and and is black burnt material from a building.I was about to give up when I got a quarter hit that sounded good and I thought another big piece of scrap but dug it because it just sounded better than the other signals.The picture is what I pulled out of the black burnt wet goo at about 6".
It sais for service on the mexican border on one side and has a eagle on the other side with what looks like crossed rifles and cannons.Does any one have a clue?
The half is for size scale,Thanks Ray.
Ps It looks to be copper or bronze and might be part of a medal.
It sais for service on the mexican border on one side and has a eagle on the other side with what looks like crossed rifles and cannons.Does any one have a clue?
The half is for size scale,Thanks Ray.
Ps It looks to be copper or bronze and might be part of a medal.