I have become fairly proficient at determining where quarters, dimes, silver dimes, and pennies register on the screen. But, I have no idea as to where a gold coin might register. I am wondering if it would register around the silver dime or quarter area. If you have been lucky enough to find a gold coin, and you have a good idea as to where on the screen a gold coin will generally register, any input you can give me would be greatly appreciated. While I'm at it, maybe I can ask another question! <img src="/metal/html/confused.gif" border=0 width=15 height=22 alt=":?"> <img src="/metal/html/confused.gif" border=0 width=15 height=22 alt=":?"> Is it safe to hunt in pouring rain with the XS if you have the screen covered with the stock minelab cover? Lately, we have seen lots of rain in the Northeast, and instead of staying in, I would love to go out and hunt, rain or no rain! As always, any info I receive from you experts will be greatly appreciated!! ~Larry~