the 3x18 clean sweep for Umax detectors is a great tool for moderat to little trash eareas , it is heavy I got over this by getting Doc,s swingy thing and it is no longer a problem to swing as far as depth and coverage on my Golden umax set at minimum sensitivity that is threshold all the way left and sens at one i have no problem getting a dime at 1.5 " and a coverage of 16" at 2.25" whith the threshold at 3 oclock and sens at 8 i have no problem getting 16" coverage and 2.25" deep whith a good clear signal now i have a test garden whith a nail a nickle a pull tab a zinc penny a dime all buried at 3" and i can pick them all up whith a good signal and about 14.5 " coverage It will find cans at 8" + whith no problem they usally give a soft sound rather than the sharp sound of a near suface coin , a good companion tool to have whith the clean sweep is a garrett propointer it will save tones of time and gets 2.25 inches deep if you tape a dime to a string you can move it forward and it will get better depth see photo hope this helps anyone who may be considering a puchase of one Gunnar