Not for experienced hunter to see
Turn around and go back!
Here is a typical metal detecting hunt coin shooting. We all dig plenty of trash, but we just don't post it because it's ugly. As a result, the perception given is that the experienced hunters only dig good targets, because they are so good.
The truth is, the more targets you dig, the more keepers you get. Discrimination on any given target can change due to a lot of external environmental factors which I wont get into. That is a discussion all by itself for another time. So......get out there and dig more targets. Take a screwdriver along to find the shallow targets then pop them out as quick as you can. Do dig pulltabs. That's where a lot of gold rings show up. And remember, metal detecting is a hobby, and hobbies are meant to be enjoyed.
And yes....sometimes we get skunked. Most of the hunters keep their mouths shut on those hunts. 

Here is a typical metal detecting hunt coin shooting. We all dig plenty of trash, but we just don't post it because it's ugly. As a result, the perception given is that the experienced hunters only dig good targets, because they are so good.