I am always trying to improve my photography skills and find ways to make my photos more sell-able. Obviously the spectacular Sports Illustrated type plays are an easy sell. But they don't happen very often and even when they do they are usually screened, out of range, or occur when I am changing memory cards. The old adage that faces sell is one that I live by. Not every kid will make a great play but every kid has a face a mother loves. One of the areas I am trying to look for is the "after" shot. Emotions are peaked after a big play, some high, and some low. But it makes for some good photos that people will buy. Another area is plain old unguarded emotions. I was able to catch a few today but I have to force myself to look for more of them. My biggest problem is that I enjoy watching the games so much I forget to do my job. Anyway, here are a few photos from todays shoot.
This shot was right after a touchdown. Personally, I hate showboating by players but many parents seem to like it. More importantly, they will buy photos of it.
This photo needs some faces in it to make truly sell-able. I like it because it captures the contrast of the game. Two players jubilant over a touchdown and one opposing player dejected.
This is one of the unguarded moments I spoke of. I'm not sure what this little guy was asking for but I'm sure it was important to him.
Below are a few action shots.
This shot was right after a touchdown. Personally, I hate showboating by players but many parents seem to like it. More importantly, they will buy photos of it.
This photo needs some faces in it to make truly sell-able. I like it because it captures the contrast of the game. Two players jubilant over a touchdown and one opposing player dejected.
This is one of the unguarded moments I spoke of. I'm not sure what this little guy was asking for but I'm sure it was important to him.
Below are a few action shots.