My 15 inch coil came today won it on ebay opened it like a new toy at Xmas.Put it on my xlt and went out back but only ran it for about 10 min had to leave could hear everything with the new headphones.Came back and decided to try it on idx with Mr. bills mod.So i go out back and looking good with my new phones on had the idx it in all metal but to much in the ground with these new headphones i can hear the worms talking to me .Well i decide to put it in silent search and disc almost all the way up so if something comes through it probably a coin and sure enough after about 10 min the meter jumps to penny i move around the area and keep resetting and jumps back to penny with some sound breaking through now iam all excited start yelling to my house were my teenage girls are watching lion king need one of my other detectors to try and pinpoint didn't want to move set my machine down and got a big shovel and started to dig were i pinpointed still yelling to house ,i can hear them now lion king up loud on my surround sound one girl saying do you hear something the other girl it that crazy old man outside with the flying saucer on the stick turn the volume up do you hear him now no.So now i have this big hole in ground and still getting signal when i swing over it, my xlt is apart because iam using the lower rod on this coil my mxt is in the van and my other coils are in the van to. So i run in the house and grab my ace 250 with stock coil on.Stick it in hole the coil is straight up and down and its ringing man there is a coin down there i start to dig more check still ringing and it is still deeper finally after another shovel full i check hole and nothing it has to be in dirt and there it is a penny man i check and its a wheat check dirt again ring another wheat they were down about good 12 to 14 inches like a 1956 and 1951.The headphones that i got from Nancy and Larry are great helped me find these coins. Also i was hope in they were Indian heads pennies but i guess not and there not old enough to put on a chain to wear so i will keep on trying.Oh the hole i will tell my wife i thought maybe we needed a shade tree there and i was checking soil composition for rooting but doesn't seem to be good there so i guess i will have to check a few other spots.So now you know the rest of the story.
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