If I were running the business, I wouldnt change a thing for now.
All the marketing and demographic studies I undertook in pursuit of a degree says that each company and product line feeds different segments of the market, and that each should be developed and improved... not cut and chopped.
I'd let Fisher stand alone as a company, and support, expand and market them, with all the clout that 1st Texas can muster.
I'd let the BH line go its way, too, continuing the sales they have in their rather large market niche.
Over time, Id begin melding the two, in ways that the MARKET responds with. The customer is the source of your sales and feedback, and meeting their demands is what spells success.
NOT taking a few units that you have developed elsewhere and forcefeeding them in new color schemes down your buyers throat. Worse yet, is touting them as the latest, greatest innovation from an industry leader.
Most detectors available today meet my simple needs, and the overdone hype and endless wrangling over niggling details leaves me non-plussed, as a rule. I'm certain the "new Fishers" will be no different. Instead, it often comes down to the manufacturer/company itself for me. So far, Im not impressed with the new direction Neo-Fisher is poised to take.
Since no single monkey stops the circus, I doubt that any opinions I have will sway the course. However, on my own small personal level, Im insulted by such tactics as FT/BH is plying on us and am snatching up a few basic "real" Fishers while I can. Then Im going shopping elsewhere.