Steve Hershbach, Thanks for your running commentary on the PI models and the ATX especially. If I were mostly prospecting like you, I'd jump on an ATX. However, I'm in an odd situation where I'm finding buried cans and a barrel on my farm and old foundations covered by adjacent highway levelling, etc.. So I'd like a machine that could help find deep structure and hollow areas. I'm an old guy and digging up these deeply buried objects takes me a long time. The gophers come and half fill back up the holes I'm trying to dig in stages, so I have not yet been able get much past the top of the 55 gallon barrel which is several feet below the surface. So far I've uncovered 6 one gallon, sealed cans (with bottoms rusted out), all of which were carefully placed upright and in line. If any contents survived, they must have sunk deeper. Mainly compost-like stuff inside.
So, I'm looking for a machine that can detect voids, tunnels, buried cans, boxes, etc.. Also one that can help uncover the old surface layers which have been covered. Not having heard much about the ATX and void detection, I'm guessing it does not detect them...
I've also found some Mammoth teeth and a Mammoth jaw while metal detecting... only because a piece of lead was near the jaw under the clay. Some dectectors have a "carbon" detection meter and I wonder if something like that would help me find the rest of the Mammoth skeleton. I have a palientologist friend who said that a significant skeleton in my area could be an important find in that it would show Mammoths living later in this area than previously thought. So, I would not be digging this skeleton up myself. Those Mammoth parts were about 14 feet under the surface in a deep creek cut and I'm wondering if a deep detector could find voids or rock layers in the sides of these cuts.
I've checked out the OKM geophysical units but they're expensive and mainly for professionals. Notka and Makro tout deep detection of voids and some mineral variance.
How deep do you think the ATX would find a buried one gallon paint can? 5 gallon can? 55 gallon drum? Could the ATX sense an underground void?
I'd appreciate any thoughts you have on this. Thanks, John