I went to 3 different locations until I found a place that was somewhat detectable. This final spot was a combination of ice flows, a few open areas and ice mush! I wore a chest wader, and could only stay in 4 feet of water for short periods of time, as it was COLD!
Here's what some ice mush looks like. Long thin strands of ice that kind of stick together, yet it is possible to walk through them. In this scoop of ice mush was a bottle cap.
A fair distance out in the water, there was a golf ball sitting on top of an ice flow. Some guy must have recently fired a bucket of balls from shore out in the water. I did find a few other golf balls.
Here's the good, the bad and the ugly! Funny thing......not one bottle cap is identical to another. What are the chances? No cold-gold in the scoop today. I tried.
Here are the coins from today. A nice variety! It sure was nice to get out today.