Ok so not my 1st water hunt, but my 1st real attempt. Grabbed the at pro, the sand scoop and hit a popular swimming hole up the road from my place about 30 min. Started out thinking this was gonna be a walk in the park, boy was I mistaking. There was maybe a half inch of sand over rock hard cobble. And come to find out it's very difficult to scoop up change with this ground. Was there for 3 hours. By the second hr I had a method figured out and had one of the funnest times hunting ever. Got some lead weights, tabs and fishing lures. Did get misc change and pulled a 55 wheat that looks almost new! Found a huge silver "plated" necklace. My first real necklace which was cool. Then got a arrow head off a necklace, a junker ring, two parts of a bracelet , 20 ft apart, then finally the nice ring was in the bottom of the scoop! No gold but was happy to see it was silver! Really pretty and huge stone which has to be a zirc, if not it's a 5 carat. Ring has some heft to it. The pro worked great and was worried about submerging it, electronics and lakes never have gotten along!!! Now to research more swimming holes cause I'm hooked !