Well-known member
Hello everyone went too a salt water beach for a little testing and detecting. Well my new Garrett AT-PRO has the coil faulting issue i know it right off but as long as i didn't bump anything or hit the ground it was fine i didn't find much some modern change ect and a big fishing weight and some beaver tails lol all in all it ran quiet and smooth . I mostly ran in pro-coins mode with iron elimination on 30 and only had sensitivity at 4 i was picking up items at vary modest depths 6,10,12 inch range no sweat and no i'm not trying too sell it for its depth I'm just telling you what i have experienced so far and i no depth isn't everything in the world of metal detecting cause we all know a good discrimination is essential as well.Also i would like too comment on my new Garrett Pro-Pointer not so good for the salt water beaches it falses alot and if you do use it on a salt water beach make sure you wipe the sand off every time you put it in the sand becouse it will continue too make noise if you dont. So with that said I'm sending it too Garrett soon so i can get back too testing this awesome unit and hopefully this heavy rain melts the snow so i can get too my old sites and really put it through its paces. I will keep everyone updated on my testing with the AT-PRO and Pro-Pointer also i will be doing some videos metal detecting this spring and summer plus fall. thanks SAS