Got out Thursday for about 45 min. to try out the 2500 i got last week. It is definetly a bit different than the 1000 i`m used to. I practiced my pinpointing and did pretty well with lining up the target underneath to get me the right imaging size. More time and practice and i`ll be a pro someday with it. <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol"> I only tried the coin mode so far. Any tips on the AM mode i should know about? Hope to get out this weekend for some more practice and fun. I really think i am going to enjoy what this 2500 has to offer. In the 45 min. that i used it i found 2 dimes ,1 nickel and 3 pennies plus a few peices of scrap. The ID seems to be right on for sure. Well happy diggin and i`ll post any great finds as they pop out.