Took the CZ-70 out for a trial run today at a local park. The snow has finally melted enough to get out. I found it very simple to use. Ground balancing was a snap. I had time to read the manual a couple of times so setting it up was easy. Seems that the sweep speed is a little slower then my old Whites Eagle II but not much. I stayed away from the heavy trash areas as I just have the stock 8" coil. Pinpointing was good except I did have some good signals that I couldn't find in pinpoint mode. Even after coming at it from different directions from 12" away. The delay when pushing the pinpoint button will take some getting used to. After 3hrs. of hunting I ended up with a handfull of clad. Two of the pennies were 6" deep. I thought they would at least be wheaties. Overall I think I'm going to like it. Oh ya, I had it hip mounted and after 3hrs. I was still wishing for more daylight to hunt in.
Kurt Bartek
Best wishes for 2007.
Kurt Bartek
Best wishes for 2007.