My new Excal was delivered yesterday put it together and charged the batteries knowing that today in Jersey would be a great day weather wise but very windy. So today having the tide in my favor I walked up to the beach to give it go. I've been reading alot about the Excal here on the forum and tried different settings and was just trying to get used to some of the sounds it makes and how the unit responds in different settings. Two hours on the beach and I can report no silver....but 3 quarters, 4 dimes and 6 pennies. I had a great time though, and being just a walk to the beach I'll be able to get out and really get to know this unit. The good signals really scream at you, and the discriminate works great, coming from a beach hunter 300 ID there really is a difference, the Excal is so smooth (if that would be the correct term) when you are working with it. I used the hip mount and never became arm weary.Im happy I finally took the plunge and bought this unit. I know my finds are no big deal but thought I'd post.