Neal from IN came up today to hunt with me. We hunted from about 9:30 in light flurries, and cold wind till 12:30 then took a break for lunch, then went back and hunted till about 4:30. I got 5 wheats and a smashed silver ring before lunch, then picked up two more wheats and it was getting close to leaving time and I was so hoping for a silver coin. I got another good tone, dug a plug and then pulled more dirt out of the hole. Then I seen that round silver dime size coin! The moist dirt fell off the back and showed what appeared to be a Barber dime! I said (OH PLEASE BE A SEATED DIME) flipped it over and YEEE HAAA!!!! It is an 1883 Seated dime in great shape! I shut off the detector hunted Neal down and said I'm done!
It sure was cold, but worth it!