I found my first silver for the year or at least the first silver I didn't lose. A small ear ring, 92.5, what I believe to be another stainless steel ring, an eagle & 47 cents of clad. When I went to the man's house to find his lost wedding ring, my At/Pro acted up like it's been doing the last few times I hit the water. Battery compartment was bone dry, changed batteries, coils and headphones and it wouldn't even come on after that. Thought I was getting electrical interference due to power lines on his dock, but nothing now. Couldn't change frequencies or anything and couldn't reset. I dropped it last time I went but it's been giving me trouble in the water before. I think it's leaking around the face plate because I saw moisture. Usually I can take the batteries out and leave the cap off the battery compartment and the next day it will fire up. Nothing now. Will have to send it to garrett. I rented a wetsuit Saturday for 3 days, but that's the way it goes. Got to get ready for church, but will post photos tomorrow.
The thing about the way it acts up is unusual. As long as the coil is down in the water, it's okay for several hours, but if I lift it up with the coil in the air, it starts sounding off, but up till now it's always come on when I pushed the power button. I really wanted to find this couple's ring for them. When I get it back from garrett, they are my first stop.
The thing about the way it acts up is unusual. As long as the coil is down in the water, it's okay for several hours, but if I lift it up with the coil in the air, it starts sounding off, but up till now it's always come on when I pushed the power button. I really wanted to find this couple's ring for them. When I get it back from garrett, they are my first stop.