Been trying to stay away from the clad coins so I have been hunting old foundations. Thay look like humps for dirt on the ground with the center dug out. These foundations date from 1850-1910 or there abouts.There is about 10 of these foundations in the field behind my house. The snow is gone and the grass is down so now is the best time to hit these spots. I went to one yesterday and hunted for about 1 hour and found 2 coins. First coin was the 1906d barber dime at about 7" deep. Yes I was pumped up on that find. 3 feet from the dime I got an iffy signal so I kept going over that same spot switching the detector back and forth from all metal to coin trying to get a good signal. I almost walked away from that spot but I got the signal that I was looking for , B - C in the dollar area at 8" deep time to dig. Dug a hole scanned it NOTHING, dug some more , scanned it heard the bell tone ,grabbed the pin pointer looked in the hole and there she was an 1896 o silver dollar HAPPY DANCE TIME If you look by her nose you"ll see that I scratched it while digging. I went back to that area today and found one more coin. It was an 1883 5 pennia in pretty bad shape. Happy Hunting