Initial thoughts:
Built very well.
Balance is awesome after 3 hrs in the wet sand at the beach I could hardly tell I had been detecting.
I found the controls and menus very straight forward and easy to use.
Pin pointing and depth were dead on.
I had some trouble with the wireless syncing up which was frustrating, I figured out I could change channels, moving to a different channel fixed the syncing up part. Then, I still had no sound. That was user error my head phones were not fully connected. Speaking of headphones, even with volume at high, I found the stock headphones to be typical. Flat sound and poor noise canceling but certainly usable.
What you really want to know:
My settings: stock beach auto +2, combined audio, trash separation: Low Trash target trace and target trace pinpoint on. I tried fast on and deep on at different times. My finds all clad, 19 coins, some were pretty encrusted and about 9" all in wet sand never hunted in the dry. OK, where I am hunting was nourished about 10 yrs ago but a lot of that is gone from what the locals say. I also watched several guys hunting it at the afternoon low tide (I have to go at night after my daughter goes to bed) 2 really cool things, I found the target trace really locks onto the coins, the cursor response is different to trash hard to explain. I dug a quarter and a pull tab in the same scoop, the cool part was the audio was the coin the target trace hit both signals the id was the coin 12-45 dead on repeatable. I also had a hit that was 11-43 then 12-43, 11-45, 12-48 but the target trace was solid strong red line scooped out a dime, checked it again similar numbers scooped another dime, hit the whole again still there, scooped a penny and another and another 6 in all. Each time a coin came out the intensity dropped on the trace and the numbers stabilized. Another amazing thing was this was a night hunt in the dark and I never used this machine; a mostly stock program and I was hitting targets and my hunting buddy was using an excal 2 and I kept up no questions. I did dig 1 other pull tab and a twist cap but I was fairly sure they were iffy targets. So, GREAT MACHINE, I know when I learn it it will be even sweeter. WORD OF CAUTION be careful the sand scratched my screen so GET A PROTECTOR BEFORE YOU USE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! wish had used a cell glass instead for the money
Built very well.
Balance is awesome after 3 hrs in the wet sand at the beach I could hardly tell I had been detecting.
I found the controls and menus very straight forward and easy to use.
Pin pointing and depth were dead on.
I had some trouble with the wireless syncing up which was frustrating, I figured out I could change channels, moving to a different channel fixed the syncing up part. Then, I still had no sound. That was user error my head phones were not fully connected. Speaking of headphones, even with volume at high, I found the stock headphones to be typical. Flat sound and poor noise canceling but certainly usable.
What you really want to know:
My settings: stock beach auto +2, combined audio, trash separation: Low Trash target trace and target trace pinpoint on. I tried fast on and deep on at different times. My finds all clad, 19 coins, some were pretty encrusted and about 9" all in wet sand never hunted in the dry. OK, where I am hunting was nourished about 10 yrs ago but a lot of that is gone from what the locals say. I also watched several guys hunting it at the afternoon low tide (I have to go at night after my daughter goes to bed) 2 really cool things, I found the target trace really locks onto the coins, the cursor response is different to trash hard to explain. I dug a quarter and a pull tab in the same scoop, the cool part was the audio was the coin the target trace hit both signals the id was the coin 12-45 dead on repeatable. I also had a hit that was 11-43 then 12-43, 11-45, 12-48 but the target trace was solid strong red line scooped out a dime, checked it again similar numbers scooped another dime, hit the whole again still there, scooped a penny and another and another 6 in all. Each time a coin came out the intensity dropped on the trace and the numbers stabilized. Another amazing thing was this was a night hunt in the dark and I never used this machine; a mostly stock program and I was hitting targets and my hunting buddy was using an excal 2 and I kept up no questions. I did dig 1 other pull tab and a twist cap but I was fairly sure they were iffy targets. So, GREAT MACHINE, I know when I learn it it will be even sweeter. WORD OF CAUTION be careful the sand scratched my screen so GET A PROTECTOR BEFORE YOU USE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! wish had used a cell glass instead for the money