Last minute decision to grab the Nox and head to the beach for the last hour of sunlight after work. Was working a nice cut and enjoying an amazing sunset when I saw a spout just past the surf line, a mother Gray whale and calf were passing by which is unusual to see them in so close to shore, were they good luck??? After watching that beautiful sight the Nox gives me a solid 3-5 repeatable tone, I dig about 4" and bang there it is. This beach is loaded with black sand and I could never detect it with my old Whites as it would chatter like crazy. I was running the Beach 2 with the sensitivity down to 14 where it ran quiet. When I got the ring home in the good light I could see it was pretty nice, it is stamped 14K and has a few stones. I promised my wife any women's rings I find are hers, she was blown away I found one so soon after getting the new detector. Hope this is just the start.