Well, today was the day to take her out and get a feel for it. I have used a Fisher CZ-7O extensively along with the CZ-3D and Coin$strike and a White's DFX. After hearing many a Fisher user say that the Minelab guy was pulling numerous deep silver coins following behind, I had to check this out for myself. I studied the machine material extensively and comfortably set it up in the advanced mode per Mike Moultry's recommendations. I hunted slowly enough for the digital and smartfind displays to keep up. Similar to the DFX and Coin$trike, the numbers bounced around quite a bit. I paid closest attention to the tones as recommended. I did manage to find a 1916 wheatie, shell casings and junk at a rather trashy 1838 farmsite that I've pulled numerous nice coins including a 1901-S Barber dime. The machine did not seem to lock onto a target as strongly as I would expect. The smartfind crosshair seemed to bounce around quite a bit as well. Pinpointing was right on along with depth. I hunted with manual sensitivity of 24, Advanced, threshold barely audible, IM at -10,Gain-6, both smartfind and digital, max limit 10, gain 6, var-8, limits 10, Conduct, normal-fast and deep. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks. <img src="/metal/html/wink.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="