Got up early today to to a tundra kind of hunt. As per usual, a good hearty breakfast was in order before heading out to a hill which got a lot of use this past weekend. The temperature at this time was a couple of degrees below freezing......

Here's my weapon of choice...a "Garrett Scorpion Gold Stinger," which was modified with a nice home made camo jacket built with a nice thick wool sock to give some decent insulation value. The machine is now referred to as my "Garrett Snowpion Cold Stinger. To keep the 3 x 9 volt batteries warm, I inserted one of those hot pacs just underneath the camo jacket, beside the rod as shown. Worked dang good too, as after about 5 hours, I was still getting 5 beeps for a battery check, which means that they are still fully charged.
Below is a pic of the finds from today. Nearly 20 bucks....an above average find for a snow hill. And this machine performed flawlessly and just as good in the snow as the dirt in the summer. If ever there was a metal detector designed to find Canadian coins, the Garrett Scorpion is about the best I have ever used. It just sounds off nicely on out pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, loonies and toonies.