hi I went on my first hunt ever with a metal detector, and obviously the first with the xterra. Wow what a great machine the menus are intuitive and the machine is as light as a feather. i hunted a playground that is relatively new, and a favourite fishing spot nearby. well at the fishing spot I was pulling up old lures about 10 ft from shore which tells me the lake must have been much deeper at one point, all around 6", and a load of lead. i was using the 5x10hf coil. where i hunt there is fairly hot ground and lots of variance in the ground as well there is always a chance of gold nuggets showing up almost anywhere, i know nice problem to have... At the park it was pretty quit, pulled up some hair pins, a brass nut and bolt, and my last dig was a canadian loonie at 2" it was a solid 38-42, and I get what people mean by a "smooth nice signal" when it went off I noticed the difference in sound right away. needless to say I'm addicted.