Hit the area behind an older part of an old 1827 Quaker Meeting house and found this 14K:
<img src=http://images.snapfish.com/346725342%7Ffp343%3Enu%3D326%3B%3E%3A79%3E999%3EWSNRCG%3D3233627%3B54%3A6%3Anu0mrj>
Also hit some clad and 2 wheaties... Then I hit this. My heart went pitter pat 'cause I thought I might have hit a holed coin
It was pretty deep. Looks more like an old key tag. Good thing too, I really mangled the back of it. My first damaged dig
(and I'm sure not my last) 
<img src=http://images.snapfish.com/346725342%7Ffp33%3B%3Enu%3D326%3B%3E%3A79%3E999%3EWSNRCG%3D3233627%3B54%3A6%3Bnu0mrj>
<img src=http://images.snapfish.com/346725342%7Ffp343%3Enu%3D326%3B%3E%3A79%3E999%3EWSNRCG%3D3233627%3B54%3A6%3Anu0mrj>
Also hit some clad and 2 wheaties... Then I hit this. My heart went pitter pat 'cause I thought I might have hit a holed coin

<img src=http://images.snapfish.com/346725342%7Ffp33%3B%3Enu%3D326%3B%3E%3A79%3E999%3EWSNRCG%3D3233627%3B54%3A6%3Bnu0mrj>