Had a MD years ago but was too young and impatient to use it.....now I'm old! I went and paid $550 for a Ranger Pro at Bass Pro, took it home, went into the back yard and within the first 5 minutes found a 1940 mercury dime. Worked a little more and the machine quit working, batteries were good etc. I removed the panel to check the connection and all was good. I took it back and traded it for a land star (why do they make MD's in camo?). I have a couple of questions: When learning frustration can be high. Is the best advice for a newby to focus on consistent tones when sweeping over an object? I've noticed I get a high tone on first sweep and lower on return, can someone give the 411 on this kind of thing. Also, a good tip from a brand new guy: There are two things that nearly everyone does when they play golf. The first is to remove and rings from their fingers. The second is to reach in their pocked at the tee box to get a tee.....18 times during their round. It seems around a tee box on golf courses would be a great place to find rings, has anyone had any luck doing this. And last, what are the most convenient digging tool for deeper digs and smart digging methods. I'm excited guys and girls.