Here is the story My buddy and I (Casey) were hunting with his X-505 with a 6" DD 18.75 coil at another friends (Michael) grandmothers place. There was an old homesite there that burned years ago that Michael's great grandmother lived in. His grandmother built a house in front of where the old one was in the late 60's. We were hunting around were the old home site was and didn't have much luck. It was starting to get dark, and as we were leaving, Michael's grandmother comes to the porch to see if we had found anything, and she said y'all keep and eye out for my 2 class rings I lost out there in the yard years ago. She said her son (Randy) graduated college in 1970 and his ring was so pretty she wanted to wear it and lost it the same day while planting grass. So, we agreed and started towards the truck and decided we would come back another day. While walking to the truck, Casey was swinging the 505 and right past the old clothesline, he got a good hit. The TID was reading 18-21-24 and had a pretty good tone. After digging hundreds of pull tabs lately with that same reading, he decided to give it shot, and low and behold up comes Randy's 1970 college class ring about 6 inches deep! First Ring Find! We immediately called Randy who lives right across the road, and told him to ride over to his mothers house because we had something to show him. Boy was he surprised! He then went inside and showed his mother and it brought her to tears. She said loosing his ring has ate at her for 40 years! We were just happy to give her some relief!
[attachment 153320 photobucketring.JPG]
[attachment 153320 photobucketring.JPG]