Had enough time to test CZ3D in local park. Small grass area 100x50' Only good grass in whole park. Worked shady area(3:30, 87 degrees, 101 humidity) . 20x20 I work everytime I go there(Exercise class held there). Belt mounted and I could swing all day. Weights the same as Silver uMax now. Still have to swing faster than I thought I would but not as fast as my Landstar though has alot of same character. First HT and a 44 Wheatie, 10 ft from truck. WOW 2nd HT, the 1968 class ring @3"under plug. Sens=3, Desc=0, Vol=5(earbuds), Grd=7 . Cant wait to get the 10. coil and see. ID on the money too. Dug only 2 pcs of junk. 45 mins. 1