One last night and I hit big silver and a wheat. Its a sterling 925 watch fob. Also found a powder tin. The fob was about 8 inches down and i hit it wile the threshold was nulled out. Matter of fact the threshold stayed nulled most of the hunt. I was around in a side yard with a bunch of iron and pipe fittings in the ground. Almost seems like there was a small city dump there with the amount of old iron and metal in the ground. I hit the wheat and it was down about 10 inches but it hit good. The powder tin was down in the driveway about 14". I must say the first few weeks with the e-trac i liked it then for about a month i started hating that thing but this last week has really made a difference. It just clicked with me and now im loving it again and im feeling confident with it finaly. So The flutie-trac is going to be my best friend now that ive had my hate trip with it.