James . i dig everything that has a repeatable beep, except on my se when its a hi tone and the cursor is in the bottom right cornor , i used to dig those , but it was always junk. some of the digs rang as coins though , the fobs and some of the jewlery . the toy guns , well im not quite sure but they were a medium pitch and i dug one once that turned out to be just that , a toy gun and i kept in mind how it sounded and i guess i just got lucky , but i do dig about everything, i got a flash gordon strato-wagon , this year at 8 inches , sounded like the guns did and i wasnt gettin anything that day so i said what the hell , might as well dig it . ya never know waht it is till you dig it up all of these in the pics were marginal junk signals . except for the spoons , they were a higher pitch the little one on top is sterling silver , it rang hi and true. i know i miss jewlery quite often , havent got that down yet , but i will , i use the stock coil and all metal and sens about 28 to 30 . ferrous . i ll get the sunray 8 inch coil this winter and go back to all those sites again and see what i missed .