My first post. My wife and I bought my son a detector at least 15 years ago. He was never interested in it but my wife was. She found some great stuff with that very inexpensive detector. This past Christmas I got my wife a Minelab Xterra 305. We had so much fun that I soon ordered my own detector - a Garrett AT Pro. We got out last week to the site of a long gone grist mill that was built in the late 1700's. So here's what we found. We each found a copper button - this was mine, but my wife's is nicer. It's pretty large and I saw a post on another site that suggested a button this size was used on saddle bags. My wife found the worn coin. The nice specimen is a pic from the web that I put up for comparison. The websource calls it a quarter penny farthing. I'm fascinated by the thought that someone dropped that coin probably over 200 years ago. I welcome any input on these finds.