[size=large]There are many ways to get answers to your questions if you are willing to look for them.[/size]
All the manuals can be down loaded at http://whiteselectronics.com/ just check manuals.
First there are the manuals. There are 4 of them. The V3i has the least amount of information because the V3i has a complete on board manual. Use it if you need information on the new V3i features.
Second there is the V3 manual. It has more information because the V3 didn't have a on board manual. Use it except for the features that were added with the V3i.
Third there is the VX3 manual. This has the best explanation of detector theory and all the detector functions and modes. This is a good read.
Fourth there is the on board manual if you have a V3i.
These download in PDF form so they have a search feature to make finding information easy.
We also have a search feature on this forum. You will find it at the top of the page. I don't know what problem we have not discussed. You can find answers as soon as you need them.
Carl's Advanced Users Manual
Carl's V3i Short Cuts
rcsnake Hunting in mineralized ground.
All the manuals can be down loaded at http://whiteselectronics.com/ just check manuals.
First there are the manuals. There are 4 of them. The V3i has the least amount of information because the V3i has a complete on board manual. Use it if you need information on the new V3i features.
Second there is the V3 manual. It has more information because the V3 didn't have a on board manual. Use it except for the features that were added with the V3i.
Third there is the VX3 manual. This has the best explanation of detector theory and all the detector functions and modes. This is a good read.
Fourth there is the on board manual if you have a V3i.
These download in PDF form so they have a search feature to make finding information easy.
We also have a search feature on this forum. You will find it at the top of the page. I don't know what problem we have not discussed. You can find answers as soon as you need them.
Carl's Advanced Users Manual
Carl's V3i Short Cuts
rcsnake Hunting in mineralized ground.