I found this nice silver pendant in a school tot lot. It's very likely from one of the SW US reservations....Navaho, etc. It's not marked at all but it heavy enough to be silver. I'll have to have it checked. The stone looks fake to me.
The other pendant is, I believe, gold plated and its a Sudoko puzzle. The lines of numbers add up to 21 across, down and diagonally (The quarter is only for size comparison and is of no other importance.) This came from a park a block from the middle school and used as a shortcut by many of the kids every day. it was only 2-3 inches deep and was in the strip between the sidewalk and the street. I think it rang up as a quarter, but was so excited when I saw the gold show up that I don't remember for sure.
The other pendant is, I believe, gold plated and its a Sudoko puzzle. The lines of numbers add up to 21 across, down and diagonally (The quarter is only for size comparison and is of no other importance.) This came from a park a block from the middle school and used as a shortcut by many of the kids every day. it was only 2-3 inches deep and was in the strip between the sidewalk and the street. I think it rang up as a quarter, but was so excited when I saw the gold show up that I don't remember for sure.