If he's hitting tons of iffy coin signals he didn't dig then for sure swing that Sovereign over that site! Many of those "iffy" ones might become classic coin hits for the Sovereign at that site. Just only the Sovereign's ability to handle ground minerals can make it shine above other brands and turn junky signals on one machine into great ones for the Sov.
One of my favorite tactics is to hunt a site at an odd angle. I particularly like to do this at sites that have been pounded so hard that even the iffy coin signals are all gone. Most people hunt parallel or at a 90 degree angle to the wood line, sidewalk, street, building, or so on. By hunting at a diaginal angle to such a landmark you'll be hunting a direction 99.9% of all hunters never have at that site. Just doing that alone can make a big difference. Coins that were nulls or junk sounding from parallel or 90 degree angles might say "COIN" from that odd angle you use. Fortunately, even most of my hardest hit sites still have plenty of iffy coin hits from the regular hunting angles most people will hunt at. Most people just won't dig a coin signal unless it's real good, or say at least 75% "there". By lowering your standards to say 40% "there" or so in terms of quality you'll be unmasking coins most guys simply don't have the time for.
I find that funny, because I've been in that bad habit myself. I'll often pass 20 or 30 iffy coin hits in say 3 hours without digging, still looking for that classic deep/clean silver signal. Not saying those don't still exist at some of my sites, but they have to be sites where coins can sink deeper than other machines yet are still within the depth range of the Sovereign. At sites where coins max out at about 7 to MAYBE 8" it's a waste of time to look for classic/clean coin hits at that depth as there are some non-Minelabs (a few) that can get that kind of depth in my low to higher mineralized soils. That's when to dig the iffy stuff and not wander around looking for good signals that aren't there anymore. I'll only wander for the deep/classic coin hits these days at sites where I know coins can sink 8" and beyond, out of the range of pretty much everything but a Minelab in my soil. It was only maybe 6 or 7 years ago that I could go to the 7 to maybe 8" max coin depth spots and still hit several easy silvers in a day looking for the clean/deep ones. At least at the sites I frequent those ones are a very rare event these days. Time to change tactics. Lower my standards and dig the even more junky stuff than I normally do, and only look for deeper ones where the soil permits them to go deeper.
Just a few weeks back I was hunting a house lot and there wasn't much trash like stuff that can cause iffy coin hits, so I lowered my standards from say 60 or 70% "there" being a coin signal to about 40%. If it just hinted a high tone, regardless of the rest of the sound or what the meter was doing, I was digging it. I was shocked to find that most of the time these targets did indeed turn out to be either badly masked coins or ones on edge very oddly. Normaly a on edge coin will give a distinct high/low tone from various directions but a good coin hit from one particular spot. The high/low sound is unique compared to "warbly" trash. It's very distinctive. Anyway, I was shocked some of these coins on edge didn't do that. They might have gave the high/low tone somewhat, but never got a good solid coin signal from one spot like other on edge ones will. Most of the iffy coins though at this site were just masked badly.
I'm just saying, that when people say a site is hunted out I just chuckle. That usually means all the good coin hits are gone but there are tons of iffy ones nobody will dig, or at least they have to be up to a certain degree of "iffy" in order for them to take a chance on them. Lower your standards from their 75% "there" to say 30 or 40% "there". If it just hints to a high coin tone then work it hard and see how high of "good" you can get it. Dig the ones below your normal standard. If even those are gone then work the site at an odd diagnal angle and I bet there are tons of iffy ones still around that only null or sound like total junk from the usual parallel or 90 degree angles people will hunt.