I've been a Fisher guy most of my life but read such good reviews about the Cibola I had to try one. I've only spent a couple hours with it but I sure do like what I see and hear so far. I'm using the 5.75 coil and with that coil it seems you can stand in one place all day long a pick out separate targets. I actually like thumbing the discrimination over using the dual discriminators that my 1265 has. The discriminator on the Cibola is relatively fool proof....when a target drops out...it drops out. With my 1265 a target would drop out then come back etc. The tab setting is relatively high on the discriminator on the Cibola. So if a target sounds strong below the tab setting and above the iron setting...it is a for sure dig. I also like how no copper coins drop out at all at full discrimination. It is pretty easy to tell a zinc that way because they will drop out. I know none of this discrimination stuff is 100% accurate but that's detecting. Also, the pinpoint mode is a great depth indicator. I retrieved alot of good targets with the Cibola that would have been iffy with the 1265. This is definitely my new land machine.