KCK said:
Hunting at a school I've hunted for years with many models. Still don't understand all the speach yet.....but I am finding a lot of quarters I've been missing.These are deeper....around 6-7inches. They are not silvers. Lots of nickels being found and getting the hang of her language. I hate the ATPros penny's at 6-8 inches. ...how did so many get out there that I've been missing? The ATP is one fine machine on land. Most falsing issues are corrected by a decrease in sensitivity. Will be digging posts of trash for a few months until I get the sounds down pat! The arm cuff is too short...that's a common. Hurts the arm after a short time..Garrett should fix that right away! Maybe I'll dunk her this weekend, might as well find out! All in all a good metal detector.
This sensitivity driven falsing is a Garrett "trademark." If Uncle Willy were here, he'd tell you that these new Garretts are 'sensitivity driven.'
The higher you push the gain (amplification), the more you cause circuit destabilization - chatter, in other words.
That is what SENSITIVITY is, in fact - gain adjustments to the receive circuits.
Detectors do not vary their output power - that is fixed by the FCC. So the receive circuit amplification, or gain, is made adjustable instead.
The goal is to run the SENS as high as you can without chatter annoyance. Note I said, "annoyance."
Everyone is different and can tolerate more or less than the next guy. I crank mine up until it is too much to listen to, then knock it back notch by notch until it just settles down. I run it this way with a little "twitch" in it, so it runs right on the edge between smooth and chattery. But that is me.
Most of time, dropping into the smooth range wont cause an appreciable loss in depth.
Finally, much of your detectors ability to run without noise and chatter has to do with the trash and soil minerals present. If there is a lot trash or minerals, and especially if you are running a lot of discrimination, SENS that is too high will play havoc with your detectors response.
It is always preferred to run less SENS over more, if it increases stability.